In 2021, the MTH Design Thinking Challenges have been held twice – the first time completely digitally via Zoom and miro-Board, but the second time in person.
The teams who have participated at the MTH Design Thinking Challenge have learned how to use the Design Thinking method to address individual challenges and advance their startups.
That’s what the teams say about the MTH Design Thinking Challenge:
„The MTH Design Thinking Challenge was a great experience for our team. With the professional guidance through the Challenge, we were able to gain far-reaching insights that led to us immediately adapting part of our processes.“ – clous
„We participated in a Design Thinking workshop for a second time and the result was positive again. In the first workshop we developed the prototype of a comic (for advertising purposes) and then continued to develop it for another three months. In the second workshop we designed the prototype of our new website, which we are now realizing. Both workshops were experiences that moved us forward. In terms of both the product and as a team. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it.“ – nxtBase technologies
„The event was well organized and hosted. Our coach did a great job. It was a very valuable experience for us as we had our target group so close to us and generated valuable feedback. Much of it will be incorporated into the further development of our app. The process was clear and understandable, and it inspired us to have some valuable discussions.“ – Klangchat

In 2022 the MTH Design Thinking Challenge is going into the third round. Startups from the cosmos of the MediaTech Hub Accelerator and the MediaTech Hub Potsdam, as well as from the Digital Hub Initiative, will again have the opportunity to learn how they can address various challenges with Design Thinking.
The next MTH Design Thinking Challenge is set for February 15th and 16th 2022. The plan is to hold the two-day workshop on-site at the MediaTech Hub Accelerator’s office space, in the MIZ Babelsberg building. Participants have to be vaccinated or recovered and must show a valid Corona test.
If your start-up is part of the de:hub initiative and you are interested in participating in the MTH Design Thinking Challenge, you are welcome to apply. Just send us an email to the following address:
The MTH Design Thinking Challenges take place in cooperation with the HPI Academy and are funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWI) as a highlight project of the de:hub initiative.
More news can be read here.