On 8 November, the conference German-Polish Future Markets 2022 “The Crisis as Opportunity: Future Industries in Bilateral Business” took place in Potsdam. The conference was organised by AHK Poland and the Potsdam Chamber of Industry and Commerce together with the Brandenburg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy (MWAE), Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB), the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Berlin, IHK Frankfurt (Oder) and IHK Cottbus.
The main topics were digitalisation, skilled workers and talent development, sustainability in times of energy crisis as well as new mobility and business opportunities in bilateral business. The event is also a meeting place for business and public decision-makers from both countries.
After the event, the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce and Industry visited the MTH Space in the afternoon together with participants of the conference. After a presentation of the MediaTech Hub Potsdam, the guests had the opportunity to try out the Sensit! feelbelt and get to know the Klangchat app. Afterwards, the guests went to the volumetric studio of Volucap on the premises of Studio Babelsberg. After a presentation there and a Q&A, the guests of IHK Potsdam were also allowed to take a look at the Halostage.
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We were very happy about the nice visit and captured some impressions.: