After the MTH Design Thinking Challenge took place twice in 2021, the workshop series entered its third round in February 2022. A recap.
On February 15 and 16, 2022, the three startups memodio, valupa, and Veita worked intensively on their individual challenges. The teams were equipped with post-its, pinboards and pens and set out to find possible solutions for their questions. They were guided by the Design Thinking coaches of the HPI Academy.
Here are the statements of the teams about the two workshop days:
“The Design Thinking Challenge was very enriching. Our mentors Urs Isenegger and Prof. Marco Rimkus brought us even closer to customer-centric thinking than we already knew. Individually, we were able to address an issue that was on our minds. Overall, we can fully recommend the Challenge to all teams that are currently working on a solution and problem.” – memodio
“Participating in the MTH Design Thinking Challenge gave us a fresh perspective on our value chain, and through the intensive examination of individual areas we were able to solidify our understanding of our weaknesses and strengths, opportunities and challenges. The interviews we conducted and the subsequent evaluation in the group provided new food for thought. The two-day workshop was a complete success for us in many aspects!” – valupa
“The MTH Design Thinking Challenge was very valuable for us. Design thinking is ideal when it comes to solving complex problems in a team and creating user-centric innovations together. We can directly apply what we have learned in our startup.” – Veita

The 4th round of the MTH Design Thinking Challenge is scheduled to take place in the fall 2022. Then, teams from the MediaTech Hub Accelerator network as well as startups that are part of the de:hub initiative will again have the opportunity to tackle their own individual challenges.
The MTH Design Thinking Challenges take place in cooperation with the HPI Academy and are funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWI) as a highlight project of the de:hub initiative.
More news can be read here.